Aluminium liquid refining degassing machine

Aluminium liquid refining degassing machine in the fair

Aluminium liquid refining degassing machine in the fair

Aluminium liquid refining degassing machine 

Dated from 27th to 30th November 2018, The 8th International(Dongguan) aluminium casting and foundry industry fair were held successfully in Dongguan exhibition center.    

Aluminium liquid refining degassing machine is special equipment for molten aluminum refining and degassing, which can be used for crucible furnaces, pool type melting furnaces, refractory melting furnaces, transfer ladles and other furnaces.

The machine can be movable, fixed and suspension type according to your real situation.

It is made up of the main machine frame, motor, graphite rotor, electric control box and refining agent tank. 

The graphic rotor that is driven by a motor comes down to liquid aluminum and rotate into it, at the same time, high purity nitrogen (or Argon) and the refining agent will be introduced into it,  then can get degassing, deslagging and refining function.

Features of molten aluminium degassing refining machine

1. High efficiency for degassing, greatly reduces the NG products that blowhole, slag inclusion, and shrinkage cause. Improve the rate of finished products;

2. Environmental friendly, no pollution, use argon or nitrogen as the refining medium, can work with refining flux for better effect;

3. Reduce refining cost and labor strength

4. No corrosion to the crucible furnaces and transfer ladles

Contact us now for your liquid aluminum refining and degassing solution.

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About NJ Lee

Majored in electromechanical engineering, served in aluminum extrusion for 8 years, aluminum equipment for 15 years, currently working as a sales engineer at Brightstar Aluminum Machinery. Rich experience in aluminum extrusion equipment and melting and dross processing fields.

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