Nigeria customer hot aluminium dross machine loading

Nigeria customer hot aluminium dross machine loading

Nigeria customer hot aluminium dross machine loading

Dated on 14th September 2021,  two sets of hot aluminium dross machine loading work was completed for Nigeria customer.

It is not easy to deliver these machines to the customers during this hard time.

The raw materials surged and the freight cost shoot up in the past months.  The freight rates jump 200-300% compare with last year.

For hot aluminium dross machine, It is ” true love” for the customer as they can accept the machine delivery during this sepcial period

Well done, Brightstar!

Your great support is appriecated, our loyal customer. Thank you very much.

About NJ Lee

Majored in electromechanical engineering, served in aluminum extrusion for 8 years, aluminum equipment for 15 years, currently working as a sales engineer at Brightstar Aluminum Machinery. Rich experience in aluminum extrusion equipment and melting and dross processing fields.

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