Mixed metal scrap grades

Mixed metal scrap grades

Mixed metal scrap grades

Brightstar Aluminum Machinery offers aluminum scrap rotary kiln, aluminium chips side well vortex melting furnace, aluminium dross processing machine for our customers’ project. 

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Shall consist of whole electric motors and/or dismantled electric motor parts that are primarily copper wound. May contain aluminum-wound material, subject to agreement between buyer and seller. No excessive steel attachments such as gear reducers, iron bases, and pumps, or loose free iron are allowed. Specification not to include sealed units or cast iron compressors.

Shelmo: SHREDDED ELECTRIC MOTORS (also called “shredder pickings” or “meatballs”

Shall consist of mixed copper-bearing material from ferrous shredding, comprised of motors without cases. May contain aluminum-wound material and insulated copper harness wire, subject to agreement between buyer and seller. Trace percentages of other contaminants and fines may be present. No free iron or sealed units.

Zebra: (High Density)

Shall consist of high-density nonferrous metals produced by media separation technology containing brass, copper, zinc, nonmagnetic stainless steel, and copper wire. Material to be dry and free from excess oxidation. The percentage and types of metals other than these, as well as the percentage and types of non-metallic contamination, are to be agreed upon between the buyer and seller.

Zeppelin: (Light Density)

Shall consist of light-density nonferrous metals produced by media separation technology and contain thin-gauge aluminum and magnesium. Material to be dry and free from excess oxidation. The percentage and types of metals other than aluminum and magnesium, as well as the percentage and types of non-metallic contamination, are to be agreed upon between the buyer and seller.

Zorba: SHREDDED NONFERROUS SCRAP (predominantly aluminum)

Shall be made up of a combination of the nonferrous metals: aluminum, copper, lead, magnesium, stainless steel, nickel, tin, and zinc, in elemental or alloyed (solid) form. The percentage of each metal within the nonferrous concentrate shall be subject to agreement between buyer and seller. Material generated by eddy current, air separation, flotation, screening, other segregation technique(s), or a combination thereof. Shall have passed one or more magnets to reduce or eliminate free iron and/or large iron attachments. Shall be free of radioactive material, dross, or ash. Material to be bought/sold under this guideline shall be identified as “Zorba” with a number to follow indicating the estimated percentage nonferrous metal content of the material (e.g., “Zorba 90”means the material contains approximately 90%nonferrousmetal content). May also be screened to permit description by specific size ranges.

Zurik: SHREDDED NONFERROUS SENSOR SORTED SCRAP (predominantly stainless steel)

Shall bemade up of a combination of the nonferrous metals: stainless steel, insulated copper wire, aluminum, copper, lead, magnesium, nickel, tin, and zinc, in elemental or alloyed (solid) form. The percentage of each metal within the nonferrous concentrate shall be subject to agreement between buyer and seller. Material generated by computer sensing equipment (e.g., induction sensor sorting or X-ray) technique(s). Shall have passed one or more magnets to reduce or eliminate free iron and/or large iron attachments. Shall be free of radioactive material, dross, or ash. Material to be bought/sold under this guideline shall be identified as “Zurik” with a number to follow indicating the estimated percentage nonferrous content of the material (e.g., “Zurik 90”means the material contains approximately 90%nonferrousmetal content). May also be screened to permit description by specific size ranges.

Brightstar Aluminum Machinery offers aluminium dross processing machine, flux feeder, elctromagnetic iron remover for our customers. Not only the machine, but also the solution.

About NJ Lee

Majored in electromechanical engineering, served in aluminum extrusion for 8 years, aluminum equipment for 15 years, currently working as a sales engineer at Brightstar Aluminum Machinery. Rich experience in aluminum extrusion equipment and melting and dross processing fields.

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